Unlocking Your Soul's Secrets: Your All-Inclusive Guide to QHHT Sessions

Curious about QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) but unsure where to start? This FAQ is your navigational compass! Dive deep into the world of past lives, higher self connection, and profound healing. Find answers to all your burning questions, from pre-session prep and cost considerations to what to expect during and after your journey. Whether you're a hesitant explorer or a seasoned seeker, this guide empowers you to confidently navigate your unique QHHT experience and unlock the wisdom within.

Questions and Answers About QHHT

  • Developed by Dolores Cannon, QHHT is a powerful technique that guides you into a deep state of relaxation, allowing access to your Higher Self (also known as Subconscious or Oversoul). This is the part of you beyond your conscious mind that holds unlimited wisdom and knowledge about your soul's journey.

  • In QHHT®, the Subconscious isn't the same as the one you might know from psychology. It's a vastly different entity, residing far above our daily awareness. Think of it as a wise, expansive part of ourselves that holds access to past lives, profound insights, and the potential for deep healing.

  • The traditional Subconscious often deals with repressed memories and hidden emotional baggage. Dolores Cannon, the founder of QHHT®, discovered a Subconscious that doesn't dwell on the negative. It's focused on knowledge, guidance, and helping us reach our full potential.

  • Many names have been given to this larger part of ourselves: Higher Self, Oversoul, Christ Consciousness, the Universal Mind. Ultimately, the labels matter less than the essence. In QHHT®, the Subconscious emphasizes its "being" - a pure, unconditional source of wisdom and support for those seeking authentic healing and guidance.

  • The Subconscious, as revealed in QHHT®, cares more about your pure heart and genuine intentions than any specific label. The journey starts with your openness and desire to explore your inner wisdom and tap into the transformative power within.

  • Dolores Cannon's primary goal was to improve the lives of her clients. So, working with the Subconscious in QHHT® always aims to help individuals in the best way possible, in whatever capacity needed. This help can manifest in various ways, from healing and resolving issues to gaining insights and understanding.

  • Since the Subconscious knows everything about you and your life, one of the first steps in QHHT® involves asking it questions you have about yourself. Obtaining this information on your behalf can be crucial for healing. It can provide comfort, support, and deeper understanding in various areas of your life. However, the Subconscious will only share information that's appropriate and beneficial for you at that time.

  • Dolores explains that the Subconscious's perspective on disease might contradict current medical and scientific paradigms. This is why many people are exploring alternative concepts and stretching their belief systems when looking for additional answers. As outdated paradigms shift and new information emerges, understanding the Subconscious's approach requires openness to these potentially unfamiliar concepts within the context of QHHT®.

  • It's understandable to find this concept challenging at first. Some might even reject it as illogical or irrational. However, the intent isn't to force any beliefs upon you. It's simply to provide a platform for understanding Dolores' QHHT® technique and the potential reasons behind its observed results.

  • Yes, QHHT is a gentle and safe process guided by Kim, a trained practitioner. You remain in control throughout the session. As you relax and allow the visions to come to you, the Higher Self will never give you more than you can handle.

  • There are some crazy myths about hypnosis! No one can take control of your thoughts unless you allow them to. You will never lose control of the situation during your session. Anything that your subconscious mind perceives to be unacceptable will be rejected immediately. Your higher self loves you very much and will always keep you safe.

    You will be extremely relaxed and comfortable during your session. Remember, this is a safe place, and you can take comfort in knowing that you can relax as your Higher Self will always take care of you.

What to Expect with QHHT?

  • Prior to your trance session, Kim will spend time interviewing you. You'll discuss your personal goals and questions. Then Kim will assist you to enter a relaxed state of trance through guided visualizations in a soft gentle voice, which helps you achieve a trance state. Once in this state Kim will begin to ask you questions that are arranged to help connect with your Higher Self. You may visualize past events and you will describe them as they typically will address the questions you wanted to know about. Kim records the whole session so you don’t have to worry about trying to remember anything.

  • A typical session lasts 5-6 hours, which included an interview, hypnosis state, and debriefing discussion.

  • Your quantum healing hypnosis session will be as successful as it can be with the help of the material in this document. Please contact me if you have any further queries or worries.

    • Preparing for a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session

    • Learn to quiet the mind with meditation. Guided meditations are also recommended, which can be found on YouTube or a favorite meditation app.

    • Create intention and begin positive affirmations – You are connected to and can easily communicate with your Higher Self

    • Leave expectations behind

    • Practice by listening to recorded regressions

    • Practice visualization – imagination

    • Clear your day after the session, most people need rest and time to integrate

    • Light exercise before the session can be beneficial

    • Light meal or snack before the session and bring snacks with you

    • Limit caffeine (do NOT ELIMINATE if you are a regular coffee or tea drinker; no headaches needed!)

    • Recordings are not kept long. Download your audio file immediately!


    QHHT sessions are much deeper than "just a past life regression". These sessions are real and very DEEP. It is important that you are open and ready to share during the interview session. If you have a lot of "red tape" and topics you are not ready to discuss then this is not the time for you to book a session. I am here to help clients who are ready to do the work, ready to heal and release deep rooted trauma. This requires you to engage with me during the interview process, tell me about yourself without holding back. My goal is to ensure that your session is meaningful.

    Remember that the more you share and open up, the better experience you will have. You came here to receive guidance from your Higher Self and the best way to receive that is to open up and allow yourself to really share what your experiences have been. That way I understand your life and what may show up in your session, and your sharing can also be healing catalyst for you as you share it. That is what this box of tissues is for. The more you open up, the more you will receive.

  • Not necessarily. While past lives or incarnations are the most common, your Higher Self will allow you to see what you need to experience, which will often focus on your present concerns and can provide the guidance you are searching for.

  • No, belief is not essential. Openness and curiosity are beneficial for receiving insights. Relaxing and surrendering to the trance process is essential, which will allow you to tap into forgotten memories and experiences.

  • It's normal to forget some details while in an alpha or theta trance state, but the key insights and information will emerge over time. Additionally, the session is recorded which will help you to remember your inner journey.

  • While bringing a family member or friend may feel right for you, there are many reasons why the Higher Self may not come forth if there are distractions or observers present. The subconscious mind often reveals things about friends and family members that you may not want others to hear. My goal is to provide you with the safest and most comfortable environment to allow your Higher Self to express what you need to hear for your highest good.

    Your recorded trance session can be shared afterwards. I encourage you to fully listen to it prior to sharing it with family members or friends.

  • Each session can vary greatly. Some clients have had immediate healings and profound revelations, while others have found their session to be “interesting and intriguing, or not what they expected. For the latter, often these clients reached out days, weeks, or months later to share deep insights they experienced, unexpected mental, emotional, or physical healings that took place, while others stated that it provided critical insight into the next stage of their life.

    Some clients tapped into forgotten memories that allowed them to make choices in their lives that saved a relationship or helped them to move onto the next step in their journey. Other’s discovered their soul’s path or origin, while others have remembered lives as ET’s and why they are currently incarnated as humans. Your Higher Self will only give you what you can work with and will always keep you lovingly safe it is in control of the outcome that you experienced and determines exactly what you do or do not need at this point in time.

  • There is no such thing as a person who cannot be hypnotized, but there is such a thing as a person who will not simply RELAX enough to be hypnotized. Hypnosis is a very natural state of mind that you already enter 2 times every day, once when you are falling asleep and once again when you are waking up.

    The keys to a successful hypnosis session:

    1.) Relax. Simply act as though you are coming to take a nice relaxing and stress free nap! It is ok if you fall asleep, I have had plenty of clients respond in between snores your subconscious will still be able to hear me.

    2.) Do not stress yourself out trying to analyze anything. Doing so will keep your mind in the state of hyper awareness that we do not want. Remember, the key is NOT TO ANALYZE ANYTHING.

    3.) Trust yourself. Your subconscious brought you here for a reason and has information that it wants to give you. Step aside and trust the messages coming through from your Higher Self.

    4.) Keep talking to me. The more you keep talking to me the easier the session will flow. Don't stop to analyze what is happening or what you are saying, just simply relax and let it flow.

    ** Disclaimer

    In the very unlikely event that hypnosis does not work for you, there are no refunds. The ONLY reason hypnosis would not work is if you are unable to simply let go, trust yourself and just relax. If this should happen to occur, this is not within my control as a practitioner, the full session amount will still apply as I did set space for the session, dedicate the time to you and fulfill my end of the appointment. This is an extremely rare and highly unlikely occurrence but needs to be noted that the full amount will still apply with no discounts. Don't worry, you will be fine... :)

Considering QHHT®?

  • There are many reasons to explore QHHT. To list a few:

    • Healing emotional blockages and trauma: Uncover past experiences that impact your present, releasing negativity and finding peace.

    • Unveiling life purpose and career direction: Gain insights into your unique path and make impactful choices about your future.

    • Understanding relationships and past patterns: Discover the root of difficult dynamics and cultivate healthier connections.

    • Improving emotional and physical well-being: QHHT can aid in healing chronic conditions, addictions, and boosting overall well-being.

    • Connecting with your Higher Self: Experience direct communication with your inner wisdom and receive personalized guidance for your life.

  • Openness and willingness to explore are key factors for a successful QHHT experience. While most people benefit, it's recommended to discuss any significant psychological conditions or concerns with Kim beforehand.

  • Schedule a free introductory call with Kim and learn more about how QHHT can help you unlock your potential and navigate your journey with deeper wisdom and self-discovery.

  • Everyone's circumstances are unique, so it's best to email me about your own background. However, in general, if you have intense fears, have experienced severe trauma, ritualistic abuse, have a history of extreme psychosis, borderline personality, schizophrenia or have lived in a war zone, a session may not be recommended based on the situation. If you cannot express yourself due to an illness or life circumstance such as a stroke, Parkinson’s, or have aphasia, you may not be a candidate for a session, but you can have a friend or family member stand in for you as a Surrogate.

  • While most clients experience a high degree of success due to my extensive experience and the powerful techniques I use, I understand that each person's journey is unique. Hypnotherapy sessions can vary, and achieving a hypnotic state, while often smooth, can sometimes be influenced by individual factors like pre-existing beliefs, anxieties, or trust concerns.

    Rest assured, my dedication to your success remains unwavering. When you book a session, my entire day is set aside just for you, prioritizing your needs and well-being. I bring not only my knowledge but also years of expertise and empathy to guide you through the process, using all my skills and experience to help you reach your desired goals.

    I understand that achieving a hypnotic state isn't always immediate for everyone. I show up 100% committed to each session, clearing my schedule and distractions to be fully present for you. However, due to this commitment I make to all clients, I don't offer complimentary rebooks or refunds if a hypnotic state isn't reached during our first session.

    If you'd like to continue your journey, you're always welcome to book another session. I'll be just as dedicated and committed to your success as before. Remember, your investment in your well-being is an investment in yourself, and I'm here to support you every step of the way on your path to self-improvement and personal growth.

  • All appointments require a $75 non-refundable deposit in order to hold the slot for your session.

    The deposit is non-refundable given the amount of time I am blocking off my calendar in anticipation for your appointment. This policy is upheld regardless of whether or not I fill the time slot. I understand that life happens, so I will reschedule you one time as a courtesy as long as I have 48 hours notice. Once within 48 hours there are no refunds or complementary reschedules.

  • Cost $450 for a 5-6+ hour session which includes;

    • Interview (2-3 hours)

    • Trance (2-3.5 hours)

    • Post trance integration (0.5 hour)